Venkatesh GR: Embracing the Power of Reverse Mentoring


Venkatesh GR, CHRO at Reliance Retail, is not your typical corporate executive. While his days are filled with spreadsheets, presentations, and meetings, Venkatesh GR has embarked on a transformative journey that defies age stereotypes and embraces the power of reverse mentoring.

In a recent revelation, Venkatesh GR shared his foray into fitness, inspired by the younger generation within his team. Despite the demands of his role and perhaps his age (which he humorously alludes to), Venkatesh GR took up running, a leap into fitness that he never anticipated.

A photograph from one of his recent runs captures a poignant moment – Venkatesh GR exchanging a high-five with his colleague, Vikash Jain, a seasoned runner more than a decade his junior. This simple gesture symbolizes more than just mutual support; it embodies the essence of reverse mentoring.

The informal running club at work, led by spirited young professionals, has become a crucible for vitality and exchange. Venkatesh GR finds himself enriched by their energy and fresh perspectives, while he offers enthusiasm and resilience in return. Together, they create a synergy that transcends age, fostering an environment of mutual growth and learning.

The camaraderie among the intergenerational team members is palpable. Venkatesh GR speaks of completing four 10 km runs under their guidance, each achievement a testament to the strength gained from one another. It’s a beautiful illustration of how reverse mentoring can flourish within the workplace, nurturing health, wellbeing, and unity in the professional journey.

The bond shared between Venkatesh GR and his younger colleagues underscores the diversity of ages and the unity of goals within Reliance Retail. Theirs is a workplace where every high-five is a story of encouragement, and every stride is a step toward shared success.

What Venkatesh GR’s story teaches us is that age is not a barrier to growth and learning. In fact, it is often the younger generation that serves as a source of inspiration and innovation, pushing us to challenge ourselves and embrace new experiences. By embracing reverse mentoring, Venkatesh GR has not only improved his fitness but has also cultivated meaningful connections and fostered a culture of collaboration within his team.

As we reflect on Venkatesh GR’s journey, let us be reminded of the power of mentorship in all its forms. Whether young or old, we all have something valuable to offer, and by embracing a spirit of openness and humility, we can create workplaces where everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

Venkatesh GR’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration for us all – a reminder that age is just a number, and that with the right mindset and a willingness to embrace new experiences, anything is possible. So let us take a page from Venkatesh GR’s book and embrace the power of reverse mentoring in our own lives and workplaces, knowing that together, we can achieve greatness.


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