Vikas Chawla: Building Successful Family Businesses through Trust and Communication


Vikas Chawla, an accomplished founder, author, and angel investor, has built a successful career by not only focusing on innovative business ideas but also by mastering the art of running businesses with family. Together with his brother, Suneil, Vikas Chawla co-manages three thriving businesses. While many might see working with family as a challenge, prone to conflicts and potential fallout, Vikas Chawla has managed to keep harmony both in business and in his personal relationships. The key to this success? Prioritizing the relationship above all else.

The Foundation of Family Business Success Vikas Chawla’s journey as an entrepreneur has been shaped by the unique partnership he shares with his brother. Running a family business is a balancing act, and as Vikas Chawla explains, disagreements are inevitable. However, their success lies in one simple rule: “relationship > arguments, always.” This principle has helped Vikas Chawla and his brother navigate the complexities of running multiple businesses together, ensuring that their relationship remains intact despite occasional differences of opinion.

Effective communication and mutual respect form the bedrock of their professional partnership. Vikas Chawla emphasizes that trust is the most important element when working with family. When conflicts arise, they keep in mind that they are not just business partners but a team with a strong familial bond. This larger sense of unity helps them to resolve disputes in a way that strengthens, rather than weakens, their relationship.

The Power of Trust and Respect For Vikas Chawla, trust is at the heart of every successful relationship, especially when it comes to running a business with family. Trust allows for open communication, and this is a cornerstone of his working relationship with Suneil. As Vikas Chawla notes, “We communicate effectively and openly because we trust each other.” By ensuring that communication is clear, honest, and frequent, Vikas Chawla and his brother are able to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship without letting misunderstandings derail their progress.

In addition to trust, respect plays a vital role in maintaining harmony within the business. Vikas Chawla and his brother make it a point to respect each other’s perspectives, even when they don’t necessarily agree. Rather than allowing disagreements to fester, they approach conflicts with a team-oriented mindset. Vikas Chawla has learned that respecting differing viewpoints and working collaboratively towards a solution ultimately leads to better outcomes—not just for the business, but for their relationship as well.

Letting Go and Moving Forward Another key aspect of Vikas Chawla’s approach to running a family business is the ability to let go of past disagreements. Holding onto grievances or continually revisiting old conflicts can be detrimental to both personal and professional relationships. Vikas Chawla and his brother have adopted a forward-thinking approach, choosing to focus on future growth rather than dwelling on past issues. “We let go of things,” says Vikas Chawla, “and focus instead on moving forward together.”

This mindset has allowed them to maintain a positive working environment, even in the face of challenges. By refusing to let disagreements weigh them down, Vikas Chawla and his brother are able to continue making progress, both as business partners and as family members. The ability to forgive and move on is not just a valuable life skill, but a critical component of their success in the business world.

Maintaining a Personal Connection Vikas Chawla also stresses the importance of maintaining a personal connection outside of the business. It can be easy for family members working together to allow the demands of the business to overshadow their personal relationship, but Vikas Chawla makes it a point to nurture both. By sharing non-business aspects of their lives, Vikas Chawla and his brother ensure that their bond remains strong, even during stressful times.

This personal connection strengthens their overall relationship and helps them navigate difficult moments. “We share the non-business side too,” says Vikas Chawla, highlighting the importance of maintaining a personal bond that complements their professional collaboration. Knowing that their relationship is based on more than just business provides a foundation of stability and support, allowing them to weather challenges together.

Supporting Each Other Through Difficult Times One of the most inspiring elements of Vikas Chawla’s story is the unwavering support that he and his brother offer each other. Entrepreneurship is not an easy journey, and setbacks are inevitable. However, knowing that you have a trusted partner who has your back can make all the difference. “We support each other because knowing that your partner has your back no matter what makes difficult times easier,” says Vikas Chawla.

This mutual support system has allowed them to face challenges head-on, confident in the knowledge that they are not alone. Vikas Chawla’s message is clear: having a partner who truly understands you and is committed to your success, both personally and professionally, is an invaluable asset. This support is not just a business strategy; it is a core principle that has helped Vikas Chawla and his brother thrive in their entrepreneurial journey.

The Bigger Picture: Relationship Over Arguments Vikas Chawla’s guiding principle of prioritizing relationships over arguments is a lesson that extends beyond the world of family businesses. Whether in personal relationships or professional partnerships, the focus should always be on building strong, supportive connections that can withstand the challenges that inevitably arise. As Vikas Chawla puts it, “Preserving your relationship is far more important than winning an argument.”

This mindset has allowed Vikas Chawla and his brother to build a successful business empire without sacrificing their bond as brothers. Their ability to work through disagreements, maintain open communication, and support each other through difficult times has been the key to their success. Vikas Chawla’s story is a powerful reminder that, in the long run, relationships are what truly matter, and they are the foundation upon which lasting success is built.

Vikas Chawla’s approach to running a family business is a blueprint for success, not just in entrepreneurship, but in life. By prioritizing trust, communication, respect, and mutual support, Vikas Chawla has built a thriving business partnership with his brother that stands the test of time. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone navigating the complexities of working with family, reminding us that when we focus on relationships and embrace teamwork, we can achieve great things together.


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