Wunderman Thompson Kolkata wins CenturyPly account for Corporate & Panel division

Wunderman Thompson Kolkata wins CenturyPly account for Corporate & Panel division
Wunderman Thompson Kolkata wins CenturyPly account for Corporate & Panel division

After a multi-agency pitch, Wunderman Thompson Kolkata, has won the CenturyPly account for the Corporate & Panel division.

In addition to Corporate, the mandate covers ply, board and a few other lines of business.

The multi-agency pitch process began on 3rd October, last year – a day after Gandhiji’s birthday. Quite befitting considering the fact that CenturyPly is a completely homegrown, Made in India brand. The pitch took place over 2 days just before Christmas last year followed by an extended post pitch process involving evaluation of agencies on several parameters by the client, including team structure and Turn Around Time.

The result of the pitch was announced only recently. Wunderman Thompson will commence work on the CenturyPly account from 1st July.

Incidentally, J. Walter Thompson, now Wunderman Thompson had given birth to the CenturyPly tagline Sab Sahe Mast Rahe, way back in 2006. The tagline has become so inextricably linked with the brand that CenturyPly continues to use it even today.

Commenting on the appointment of the new agency, Keshav Bhajanka, Executive Director, CenturyPly, said, “We were looking for an agency who can refresh the image of the CenturyPly brand and add further momentum to brand building efforts. With the strength of its creative team and years of experience in handling various brands in the building materials category, Wunderman Thompson is poised to infuse further creative energy into the CenturyPly brand.”

Commenting on the win, Vijay Jacob Parakkal, Senior VP & Managing Partner, Wunderman Thompson, Kolkata, said, “JWT, now Wunderman Thompson, had created one of the most memorable campaigns ever for CenturyPly many years back. The Sab Sahe Mast Rahe campaign tagline created by us continues even today. For us, the return of this iconic brand to Wunderman Thompson feels like a homecoming of sorts. We are thrilled to have them back and we eagerly look forward to partnering them in their next phase of growth with our added creative, technology and data capabilities.”


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