Queenie Man: Pioneering Change in Aging Care


Queenie Man. A name synonymous with innovation, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of societal transformation. As the CEO of The Project Futurus, Captain Softmeal, and a leading advocate for social impact, Queenie Man has dedicated her life to reshaping the future of aging and redefining the norms of care culture.

Queenie Man’s journey is one marked by a profound appreciation for the wisdom and resilience of the elderly. Inspired by her mother, Anita, who recently celebrated her 70th birthday, Queenie Man found herself embarking on a quest to challenge existing paradigms and champion the rights of the elderly.

In a heartfelt tribute to her mother, Queenie Man reflects on the profound impact Anita has had on her life. Anita’s unwavering spirit and zest for life serve as a constant source of inspiration, reinforcing Queenie Man’s commitment to living a purposeful and fulfilling life. As Anita embraces retirement with vigor and enthusiasm, Queenie Man envisions a future where aging is celebrated, not feared.

The essence of Queenie Man’s mission lies in her unwavering belief in the power of systemic change. Central to her philosophy is the recognition of the need to shift the culture of care from an institutional model to one centered around individual needs. Drawing inspiration from Atul Gawande’s seminal work, “Being Mortal,” Queenie Man emphasizes the importance of empowering elders with options and respecting their choices.

For Queenie Man, the journey towards a more compassionate and inclusive care culture is one fraught with challenges and opportunities. Through her work at Forward Living 迎進生活 and The Project Futurus, she seeks to challenge entrenched norms and pave the way for a more equitable and dignified approach to aging care.

At the heart of Queenie Man’s vision lies a deep-seated commitment to social impact and innovation. Through initiatives such as ESG CSR CSV SDG, she endeavors to harness the power of technology and design to create meaningful solutions that address the evolving needs of the elderly population.

Queenie Man’s leadership is characterized by a rare blend of empathy, vision, and determination. Her ability to navigate complex social issues with grace and humility has earned her widespread admiration and respect. As she continues to push the boundaries of conventional thinking, Queenie Man remains steadfast in her belief that a life well-lived is defined not by the years we accumulate, but by the impact we make on those around us.

In a world grappling with the challenges of an aging population, Queenie Man stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Through her tireless advocacy and pioneering spirit, she reminds us that the future of aging is not predetermined, but rather, ours to shape and define.

As we navigate the complexities of an increasingly interconnected world, let us draw inspiration from Queenie Man’s unwavering commitment to social change. Let us heed her call to action and work tirelessly to create a future where aging is embraced as a natural and integral part of the human experience.

In the words of Queenie Man herself, “By recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, we can create a world where aging is not feared, but celebrated.” Let us join hands and embark on this journey together, knowing that the future we envision is within our grasp.


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